Still working on it

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Still working on it

Post by Makar »

Between life, work and other projects Im still doing slow progress on EO, its mostly finishing of the map loading elements at moment.

I got do some jiggery pokery on certain maps where they actually used massive grhs but used main layer to force them into 32x32 tile, Engine im using hasnt got the constraints on size so it shows full size, So im going have to rework my main layer to force them into 32x32 to make the map form correctly then go round and decide if we want to use the "blocked" tile in the map files.

The thing i like the most about this rebuild, to modify any of the maps I need to use the VB6 map editor :D untill its remade of course.

The next thought process is manging all the map zones and best way of doing it,
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Re: Still working on it

Post by Makar »

My next thought is letting it map being its own "game server"

These can run up/down depending if the zone is use
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