Era Online

Server/Client Rebuild has begun! - VB6 Client/Server Still Offline

10th July 2024

Continued Slow Progress
Progress continues on the rebuild version, Work on the "classic" version halted slightly due to error on my part of not keeping a decent backup, The rebuild version can load "any" of the existing maps my first attempt was stupid I was converting the maps into another format, After hitting my head a few (dozen) times I decided why am I trying to reinvent the wheel? The data we need is sat in binary file and after reading the map editor source few times I worked out the map file is Layer1 Layer2 Layer3, that last layer got me until i saw the part that skips over last few bytes when reading.
Layer3 became the layer used for snow and rain so wasnt used any more for maps. In its current state I reinstated 4 directional movement to feel more "normal" you can see it on the demo online and I update it every now and then with bits of progress.

The Plan
Im slowly finishing of loading the graphics in and finish of the map key so it constructs the map correctly, Then we need to sort the positioning out as you see if you run game their slighly few pixels off
Work on starting the game elements of Era begins then and hopefully we'll see more progress online

23rd Feb, 2024

To quote a post from the year 2000 "Welcome to the brand new Era Online website! We here at Fantasia Studios hope you enjoy the change as much as we do." It has been 23 years since that was posted on this actual website. Since then, there have been a few Era Online servers running on and off. It was once a 3D attempt by myself and an old friend, but we were too young to push it to completion. But since then, doing various projects over the years, I decided to reform the iconic Fantasia Studios within the UK and put Era Online back to it and my other own projects I do in the future.
I have recovered this website from the internet for its retro feel and look, which I remember this game for.

Classic Build

The VB6 version has been compiled and run, but had to force it to slow down quite a lot as the game runs far too quickly. Other massive tweaks I need to do are edit the GUI; the main form was actually one image with buttons on top so the graphic wants just editing to allow for modern screens.

New Build

So taking the game's existing graphics, sound, maps we are looking at remaking within Game Maker, which is a good choice for 2D games such as Era Online.
If any of you are following my forum you'll see random posts of how it looks running within Game Maker.

Demo/Go back in time

Here is a HTML5 build around a certain map. I'll add map select for folk to travel through there memorys, Its missing alot of graphics as Ive not combined/imported them yet. This the orgional maps! bar a pixel or two out of place. Ive stuck some random music from the game to! EO Demo

Copyright (c) 2024 Fantasia Studios. Original Website Template Designed By Marcus Bearden & Erling Ellingsen in year 2000